Saroyan Hardwoods Inc. took a direct hit from a F4 tornado and the outcome was a total loss. . . . In the end Saroyan Hardwoods was very pleased with the outcome of our settlement and I would strongly urge anyone with a major insurance claim to retain your services as soon as possible. In the event of another disaster, I would not hesitate to call you. Thank you for all you’ve done.

A.C. Dismukes

Saroyan Hardwoods, Inc.

Leading into the BP oil spill, our business had undergone some significant changes for the better. All the momentum that was achieved was then disrupted by the gulf coast incident.

Our business continued to grow from a revenue standpoint but not at the same pace that it would have had there not been a loss. . . . Looking at year over year results were not enough. A complex forensic accounting analysis was needed. . . . Our claim was originally denied outright. With your continued persistence, it was finally accepted, notwithstanding that the Gulf Coast Claim Facility initially calculated a loss at zero. They did this by using a standard model. You pushed ahead with your own generated models and finally reached and achieved an exceptional settlement.

Rufus Ruark, Jr.

Shores and Ruark

In working with you for over two years on Slakey Brothers' property, additional expense and business income insurance claims involving two carriers and triggering various components of the policies, you were able to take our data and organize it into a package understandable by the insurance carriers.

Your work saved my staff and I a huge amount of time. You were responsive when we contacted you with questions; you asked thought provoking questions to verify the completeness of our claims plus assisted us to determine what available documents would support the claim. You were instrumental in identifying an error by the insurance carrier when negotiating for the final settlement of the claim.

Karen Fonseca

Slakey Brothers

I wanted to take a moment to thank you and your organization for the great assistance provided to us during the recently finalized settlement of our claim for the losses we incurred ensuing from the October, 2007 accident at One Bryant Park Construction site in New York City. After struggling with this settlement process on our own via in-house resources for a few months, and making no real progress, we finally realized the value added of your organization in such matters.

Ira Marx

The Durst Organization

The disruption we had to our manufacturing facility not only caused operational difficulties, it also put a stress on our accounting department. . . . You did an exceptional job in outlining and identifying all of our production losses and inefficiencies. In addition, over a period of time, you were able to change the hard line positions originally taken by the forensic accountants that represented the insurance companies.

Thank you for your assistance.

Monte Booher

Toray Plastics (America), Inc.

We want to thank you for the work that you did for Tube Light Company, Inc. in the mediation of our claim with Travelers.

Your assistance in preparing the necessary documents was invaluable. We were able to settle the claim at mediation successfully and appreciate your efforts.

Sharon J. Schwartz

Tube Light Company, Inc.

As you know all too well the mixed-use development known as Santana Row in San Jose, California suffered a catastrophic fire mere weeks before the scheduled opening of our Hotel Valencia – the crown jewel at epicenter of this extraordinary 32 acre development. Though the fire was contained to the building adjacent to our hotel we suffered serious heat related property damage and extensive delays to our scheduled opening. This was a life-threatening event for our young company at that time. . . . Your vigorous advocacy of our claim while maintaining an environment of fair dealings resulted in us achieving a superlative result.

Jeffrey S. Rawson

Valencia Group

I am writing to thank you and your colleagues at Rollins Accounting & Inventory Services, Inc., for your recent assistance with a substantial business interruption claim.

Your hard work, attention to detail and experience made a difference for us and our client when it counted most.

Michael C. Davis


On behalf of Wintergreen Partners, Inc., I want to express my sincere appreciation for the invaluable assistance provided by each of you in the handling of our claim as a result of fire damage to our facility.

The expeditious and professional manner with which you addressed the complex issues involved in our business interruption contributed significantly to a final settlement that exceeded my expectations.

C. Brent Douglass

Wintergreen Resort

Your experience created options for us to be able to work with you to document our loss appropriately, and to combat these issues in order to negotiate very successful settlements on our behalf.

Wesley A. Burgeson

Xentris Wireless LLC

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